If you love coffee you're going to love this Coffee Frosting!
This frosting was on my previous site and I just have not got around to posting it again until now.
I have had a week hiatus from baking to try and deplete the frozen goods I have been making over the past month which is why, I thought I take the opportunity to post this recipe.
But first, happy Friday the 13th! If you're superstitious and think Friday the 13th or the number 13 for that matter is unlucky then I guess it isn't a very happy Friday for you.... I, however, am not all that superstitious. At least about this anyway....
This day got me thinking, what caused this superstition and fear around a day? Why is it such a big superstition in Western culture that has, in the past, taken peoples fear to new heights? From what I have uncovered in my research on this subject, I have found that it all began with the Last Supper. The supper where Jesus broke bread and wine with his 12 Apostles. This lead to people believing that if you dined with 13 people, one person would die within the year just as it was with Jesus. As Friday is considered the day that Jesus died people put two and two together and the fear of Friday the 13th was born. There's even a phobia of this day: paraskevidekatriaphobia.
Of course the superstition isn't just for this day. The number seems to be the most feared part of this irrational belief. It doesn't help that 12 was always considered a number of completeness; 12 months in a year, 12 hours on a clock, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 Apostles of Jesus, the list goes on. Because 13 sits right outside this completeness, along with history rich with bad things happening around the number 13, people decided it must be cursed. 12 is the star child and poor, old 13 is the black sheep of the family if you will.
This superstition and fear has got the best of a lot of people throughout history and even today; Many places do not have a 13th Street, many buildings won't have a 13th floor, some hospitals won't label rooms with the number 13 and many airports will not have a gate 13. (I will admit, although I don't believe in all this hocus pocus, I still try to avoid hotel rooms or seat numbers that are 13. Silly isn't it?)
Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are moving away from this superstition. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great people are moving away from placing their fear in an actual number, it's just I don't see as many buildings ignoring the 13th floor anymore and I find it a little sad we seem to be moving away from these little traditions because I think they're neat and all in good fun.
It's through this good fun that people have adapted and twisted this superstition into many different books, stories and movies to play on peoples fear and provide good entertainment. This appeals to me. The idea of a malevolent, cursed number with the ability to cause bad luck and even death to all who cross it is fabulous. It appeals to my creative mind and my love of horror. (Jason running around with a machete in Friday the 13th anyone?!)
Alright, I promise I'll stop rambling. Back to the recipe at hand!
I, personally, don't like coffee. I'm not even really a fan of the smell. (I know, I must be crazy). However, whenever I make this frosting I can't help but try it and each time it grows on me a little more.
I think the reason behind that is from the sweetness that comes from the icing sugar, as it balances out the coffee to create a lovely wholesome flavour.
Since my mother LOVES strong coffee - and loves this frosting- I make the strength of the frosting quite high. You can add less coffee depending on your own personal tastes for coffee. I know as much as anyone, strong coffee is not to everybody's taste!
Use this frosting for cakes, cupcakes or anything you like. For people who love mocha, top my chocolate cupcakes with it. (I have tried this and everyone who tried one absolutely loved them).
Coffee Frosting
- 80 g Butter, Softened (⅓ Cup)
- 2 teaspoon Water
- 2 Cups Icing Sugar
- 2-4 teaspoon Instant Coffee
- Dissolve the coffee in the water.
- Beat the butter and coffee mixture together.
- With the beaters on, add the icing sugar slowly until it is all combined.
- If the mixture is too tough, add a little more water.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and I love to hear feedback on my recipes so please feel free to comment. I would also love to hear everyone's opinions on Friday the 13th. Do you believe...
I should also mention I am back in the kitchen (I can never stay away for too long) and I have many new, exciting, fun, delicious treats coming your way very soon!
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